ATTENDANCE: Alex Sorbello, KenTighe, Emily King, Marilyn Bush (proxy for Robin McGill), Anjulie Sorbello, Johanna Tighe ,Kayla & Dustin Brown
Alex Sorbello, Commodore, convened the board meeting at approximately 10:45am.
We discussed the nomination of club officers:
Commodore: Sue Strasia
Vice Commodore: Alex Sorbello
Treasurer: Rick Keffer
Secretary: Johanna Tighe
Northern Fleet: Emily King, Robin McGill
Southern Fleet: John Jones
Johanna will send out Board Minutes and club membership will vote. No response will be considered a “yes” vote.
Information from Edward Jones Investment was passed around. Members felt CD rate of 4.5% was good, but no decision made.
Ken brought up a swap of boats. It was MOVED by Ken Tighe and Seconded by Emily King that the 40 ft Pontoon boat be given to John Jones in exchange for the 23 ft Regal. All approved.
Alex Sorbello brought of management of Mast Up Storage. Ken Tighe will be Mast Up Storage Manager and be paid $50 per month, $600 for the year. MOTION was made by John Jones, seconded by Emily King. Weed removal will be paid separately.
Johanna will get with Lonnie Lane to put together the CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 2023.
Johanna said that she would investigate getting a ZOOM ACCOUNT for meetings.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:35 am on motion by Ken Tighe, Seconded by Emily King.
Respectfully submitted,
Johanna Tighe, Secretary