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About the Rio Grande
Yacht Club

The Rio Grande Yacht Club strives to provide a safe,organized, sailing for the residents of New Mexico, west Texas and the surrounding areas. RGYC stimulates a greater awareness and interest in sailing by conducting races, cruises, and training in sailing skills and boating safety. New members, boat owners and willing crew of all ages are always welcome! Check out our event page to see what is coming up.

With a little breeze we'll be on the lake

New Mexico offers a range of sailing conditions, from strong spring winds to the light summer breezes to the glorious fall and winter. sailing in a short sleeve in the middle of January will make any sailor envious. 

Sailboat Top View
Sunset Sailboats

Adventure & Experience

I enjoy being on the lake any time of the year and I love that I get to go on the lake any time the weather permits 12 months a year.

Kellie Thompson 

Safety First

When it comes to boating safety, the US Coast Guard rules require that PFD’s, or life jackets, are available for everyone on a boat that is younger than the age of 13. They must be worn at any time that the boat is in motion. This rule applies in states that do not have child life jacket laws.

Kid on a Sailboat

Join in the Fun!

Meet The Team


Alex Sorbello

Past Commodore

Greetings all RGYC members,


For those of you who do not know me I would like to introduce myself. I am Alex Sorbello and was appointed commodore in 2022.


I have been sailing with the club since 2016. I have been enjoying the racing our club offers and have found a plethora of experiences and honing my skills against some great sailors. If you have not joined any of the races I would like to invite you to them as they are a great way to learn new skills. Having a boat is not needed ad most regular boats that race are always in need of crew. So if you are interested please feel free to contact us and we will show you this beautiful sport.


Sailing is a great activity as it can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It uses brain and brawn and get you a healthy dose of sunshine.


Regattas will be mostly the norm however we are also planning a beach party and some how to do activities. I Plan on a how to properly rig your boat event this summer in order to help anyone with questions and setting up their boats in a better and safer fashion.


If there are specific seminars you would be interested in I would love to hear from you and see what other important items can be brought up in seminars or classes in the future.


The state of the club is in good shape. We have a good balanced budget and are maintaining good financial health.


The club just redid our website, please visit the new site and let us know if you notice something amiss.


Mastup has seen on ebb and flow on some boats but is mostly filled and is maintained properly, some boats are moaning for some action as they have not seen much recently. So get your boat out if you can, she will thank you for getting some attention and a bath.


The club has finished the work on our 30 ft Platform boat which we plan to launch this spring and hopefully use soon in some of our events.


In April we plan on holding a memorial Regatta for Rich Strasia. 


I ask every one of you to please try to attend this event if possible and do what Rich loved best: which is sailing our boats around the buoys together. We are in need of volunteers and boats and crew so plenty of things to do even if you do not wish to sail.


In may we will have the final race of the summer and will then start to focus on other activities with seminars and beach parties and hopefully overnight camping trip on the boats.


I hope to see you out on the water soon.



Your Commodore

Alex Sorbello


Susan (Sue) Strasia


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Ken Tighe

Past Commodore

I live at the lake full time and I am always willing to talk sailing or provide hands on work with your boat.

See you on the water!

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