Our first official summer/fall event was very well attended. Only one keel boat was unable to launch due to too much sand on the boat ramp. The trailer could not roll back sufficiently to float the boat off the trailer. David Allard tried several times but it was a no go. David and Lori Kennel launched their new to them used boat, a Spirit 6.5 and sailed the North end of the Marina del Sur Bay until the wind got up and them opted for the safety of the dock to sail another day. That left 3 sailboats on the water, Greg Smith with crew Anjulie on his MacGreggor 26, Ken Tighe with Commodore Alex Sorbello and family and Dane Kirkendall as crew on the S2 7.9 daffar board and Rick Keffer on his Sunfish 14 and finally Marilyn Bush was on her trusty stand up paddle board.
The skippers meeting was held when Johanna Tighe brought breakfast burritos which were a big hit. I missed the meeting along with Commodore Alex and Rick Keffer as we were busy rigging the Mariner, "Sea Bird" (This boat is the one listed for sale and is now in mast up ready to sail!). Rick made some nice improvements which will hopefully attract a buyer. We are happy to take anyone for a sea trail. All that is required is a non refundable $100.00 deposit which is credited to the sale price if purchased by the party who paid it.
As will happen at Elephant Butte Lake, the wind came up to 12 to 15 knots but was somewhat shifty which the limited sailing area made staying in and tacking sometimes difficult. That's why some folks say, like us older sailors, if you can sail Elephant Butte Lake, you can sail most anywhere.
It was my pleasure to host this event and look forward to the second Saturday in September, 10th 2022 when we will do this again.
Ken Tighe Past Commodore
505-328-4826, text ok email tighekenneth@gmail.com